Any leader would fall insulted when not have the courage to change himself. Any successful person would collapse if he did not have the courage to change himself. The key word is courage. It's easy taunting dare, dare to blaspheme was easy, but, not just anyone who dared look at their own shortcomings. This property only people who truly successful. » read more
People who dare to open the shortcomings of others, are common. People who dare to discuss other people, it is not special. Because it could be people who do not have anything once. But, if anyone dared to look at ourselves lack, asked about the lack of systematic, and he created a system to see the lack of him, this is a great candidate.
Changing self-consciously, it also change others. Although he did not say a word to change it, saying his actions have become very valuable for other people. Believe me, our determination to improve himself, will make others look and feel.
Starting A Change part 2
Beautiful Prayer
I ask Allah to remove suffering. » read more
Allah replied, No.
That's not to I put, but for you to beat him.
I ask Allah to improve my disability.
Allah replied, No.
The soul is perfect, the body is only temporary.
I ask Allah to reward my patience.
Allah replied, No.
Patience is the result of the difficulty; was not awarded, it must be learned.
I ask Allah to give me happiness.
Allah replied, No.
I give thanks. Happiness is up to you.
Prevent Hostilities
On a day Akhnas bin Syarik came to the Prophet Muhammad. In front of the Prophet, declared Akhnas faith and accept Islam. But, in the middle of the road, after meeting the Prophet's, Akhnas just make chaos, destroying crops, livestock, and assets of Muslims. Then, revealed this verse:''Of the people there are people saying about the life of this world pleases you, and be witnesses to Allah it (the truth) in his heart, but he is yet (the enemy) the hardest.''(Al - Baqarah: 204). » read more
Hostility as did Akhnas a major crime. According to Imam Ghazali, it is the mother of hostilities and the base of all evil. Malice or hostility rather than ordinary crime, but a big crime that causes the curse. The Prophet said,''The most wrath of Allah is a person who is always beating the drums of hostilities.''(Bukhari).
Beautiful Bowl, Honey and a Hair
Prophet Muhammad, with his friends, Abubakar, Umar, Uthman, and Ali Ali's visit to the house. At home Ali, Fatima Sayidatina honey served to those who laid in a beautiful bowl, and when it was served a bowl of honey shipped with a hair in the bowl. Prophet Muhammad then asked all of his friend to make a comparison of these three objects (a beautiful bowl, honey, and a hair). » read more
Abubakar r.a. said, "faith prettier than bowl this beautiful, believers it sweeter than honey, and defend that faith more susah than pursue single hair".
Umar r.a. said, "kingdom prettier than bowl this beautiful, a king it sweeter than honey, and govern justly it lebihsulit from meniti single hair".
Utsman r.a. said, "science prettier than bowl This lovely, person claiming science sweeter from honey, and ber'amal with science owned was harder than meniti single hair".
Love The Work You Have Got
At the office, you'll never meet the people who are always complaining about his job. They say too hard, too hard, too easy, too little time, so not serious, and too this and that. Happens, many people are so fleas, moved there to move here. Perhaps, instead of the right questions, "how can I get a job I like?", But "how can I love what have I got?" » read more
Below are four practical steps that can help you do it. Was thoughtful for a moment to think about it, and you'll be surprised at the results.
Realize that the job does not define you, but you are in defining the work that's much to be said about the attitude, more than can be written. Any job can be done well, with great love and attention. Your attitude towards work and the way you treat people - even your mood - will be quickly recognized. The things that will affect your colleagues. Indeed there are times where you can not control the situation, but you will always be able to choose the best way to deal with it.
Starting A Change part 1
We are too much use of time, energy, and mind to something outside ourselves. Also too much energy and our potential to think about other than ourselves, whether it is a mistake, bad, or negligence. However, our attitude was that we deem it good to be ineffective in improving what we think is wrong. » read more
Many people who want others to change, but he wanted it never materialized. We often see people who want to change Indonesia. But, at the same time, his family was 'battered', in his own office was disliked, the environment does not benefit society. It's called too grandiose.
Far from changing Indonesia, changing his son just could not. Many countries want the situation changed, but why change the attitude of the wife just can not. The answer is: we never have enough time for serious change ourselves. Of course, this answer is absolutely not true. But this answer needs to be remembered well.
Four Situations
In this life, we can summarize the various situations in the face of our neighbor to 4 are : » read more
1. If we deal with people who are smarter than us. So that is where we draw knowledge from it.
2. If we deal with people as smart with us. So that is where we are exchanging ideas with him.
3. If we deal with people who are stupider than us. So that is where we give our knowledge to him.
4. And if we deal with a fool, but a lot of his talk. So it is time for us to be quiet..
Cocoon Story
A found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small hole appeared. He sat and watched in a few hours of butterflies when he struggled with forcing himself through the small hole. Then the butterfly stopped making progress. Looks like he has his best and he could not further. » read more
Finally someone decided to help him, he took a pair of scissors and cut the rest of the restraints of the sac. These butterflies come easily. However, he has a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man continued to watch because he expected that, at some point, the wings that will bloom and widened so as to support her, wrote perhaps will grow in time.
Everything has never happened. In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of his life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. He was never able to fly. Who do not understand the good and the rush of people is that the cocoon and the struggle drip requisite butterfly to get through the small hole is the path of Allah to force the fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that he'll be ready to fly so he gain freedom from the cocoon.
When Allah Says No
Oh Allah take away my vanity. Allah said, "No. Not that I take, but you have to give it." » read more
Oh Allah my complete lack of defects. Allah said, "No. His soul had been perfect, his body is only temporary."
Oh Allah give me patience. Allah said, "No. Patience is obtained from the resilience in the face of temptation; not given, you have to earn their own."
Oh Allah give me happiness. Allah said, "No. I'll give you blessings, happiness depends on you myself to appreciate that blessing."
Oh Allah keep me from trouble. Allah said, "No. Suffering hook you away from your mundane and closer to Me."
Oh Allah give me all the things that make life enjoyable Allah said, "No. I give you life so you enjoy all things."
Oh Allah help me LOVE others, for thy love to me Allah said ..."Finally you understand!
Funny Yes
Funny yes, the money $ 20 seemed so big when a charity box was taken to the mosque, but so small when we take it to the supermarket. » read more
Funny yes, 45 minutes was too long for remembrance, but how short the time to watch a football game.
Funny yes, how long at 2 hours in the Mosque, but how quickly the time passed 2 hours to enjoy a movie screening.
Funny yes, hard to assemble words uttered during prayer or prayer, but how easy it is seeking to talk about when to see friends.
Funny yes, what he called an extension of time on our favorite football game, but how bored when priests pray Tarawih Ramadan readings over time.
How Great a Lie
Its power is also widely used by the kings to stay on the throne.
So, is naive, if you say, lies only done by the children who was caught ditching school.
Lying is a big force, because humans have to lie too powerful.
High intelligence is needed to construct thousands of arguments.
Steel muscle force required to change the facts and real data.
In fact, his small-minded man must lie appeared to be a face of truth.
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Five Conditions to Disobedience
One day there was a man who met Ibrahim Bin Adham. He said,''O Aba Ishak! I've loved engage in immoral acts. Please give me advice. After hearing these words of Abraham said,''If you want to accept the five conditions and able to implement it, then it is OK you do immoral.''He asked curiously. ''What are those conditions, O Aba Ishak?''Ibrahim Bin Adham said,
The second'',''Ibrahim said,''if you want to engage in immoral acts, not his living on earth!
This requirement makes the man was shocked. Abraham again said to HIM,''O Abdullah, think, do you deserve to eat his bread and live in His earth, while you're violating all His prohibitions?''''Yes, you're right,''he said. He then asked the third condition. He answered,
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The Story of Boredom
It's a light story about boredom. » read more
A wise old man who was asked by his guest.
Guest : "Just what is the feeling 'tired', old man?"
Old man : "Tired is a state where the mind wants a change, longing for something new, and wanted stop the routine of life and the monotony of the situation from time to time."
Guest : "Why do we feel bored?"
Old man : "Because we never feel satisfied with what we have."
Guest : "How to eliminate boredom?"
Old man : "There's only one way, boredom enjoy it, then we will be free of her."
Guest : "How is it possible to enjoy the boredom?"
Old man : "Ask yourself this: why do not you ever get bored eating the same rice it every day?"
Avoid Heartburn
As a believer, we should try to cultivate the life zuhud, one with not too jumped for joy in the food business.We must strive against the urge of lust as he had done by the Prophet Yahya 'alaihissallam. It is reported that he had visited the devil who brought a few things hanging in the body. » read more
Then he asked, "What is that thing?" "This is the passion that I use to control and tempt people," replied the devil. "What is there in that passion," he asked again. "Sometimes you with this lust sated, then I do his weight you for prayers and remembrance," said the devil. Prophet Yahya swore, "By God, forever and ever I will not meet until the stomach by eating too full."
One of the strengths of a very dominant passion comes from overeating. Below is a small number deplorable effects from too much food.
7 Days In The Past and May Have be Repeated
Days per-1, I tahajud left.
And I was so busy going to my world, until my Dzuhur, finish when ashar started calling, and the afternoon passed declaring it a mosque sunset call to prayer, with the intent to do with the evening Itupun done after the completion tv.
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6 Questions Imam Al Ghozali
One day, Imam Al Ghozali gathered with his disciples. Then Imam Al Ghozali asked 6 questions. » read more
First, "What is most close to us in this world?".His students have answered the parents, teachers, friends, and relatives. Imam Ghozali explain all the answers were correct. but the most close to us is "DEAD". Because it was the promise of Allah Almighty which has a soul that each would have died. (Ali Imran 185)
The second question "What is most distant from ourselves in this world?".There pupils who answered the Chinese nation, the moon, sun, and stars. Then Imam Ghozali explained that all the answers they give are correct. But the most correct is the PAST. However we, any of our vehicles, we still can not return to the past. Therefore we have to keep this day and the days that will come with a deed in accordance with the teachings of religion.
10 Misunderstanding about Success
Misunderstandings 1
Some people can not succeed because of background, education, and others. In fact, every person can achieve success. It's just how they want it, then do something to achieve it.
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