Oh Allah take away my vanity. Allah said, "No. Not that I take, but you have to give it."
Oh Allah my complete lack of defects. Allah said, "No. His soul had been perfect, his body is only temporary."
Oh Allah give me patience. Allah said, "No. Patience is obtained from the resilience in the face of temptation; not given, you have to earn their own."
Oh Allah give me happiness. Allah said, "No. I'll give you blessings, happiness depends on you myself to appreciate that blessing."
Oh Allah keep me from trouble. Allah said, "No. Suffering hook you away from your mundane and closer to Me."
Oh Allah give me all the things that make life enjoyable Allah said, "No. I give you life so you enjoy all things."
Oh Allah help me LOVE others, for thy love to me Allah said ..."Finally you understand!
Sometimes we think that Allah is not fair, we have difficulty in prayer, asking and trying, morning-noon-night, but to no avail. We expect given the job, tens, even hundreds of applications we have submitted no response at all - other people get a job easily. We've worked hard in the office expect job, but that other people who get it - effortlessly.
We expect that given a good life partner and appropriate, ended with a lot of rejection and failure, others easily changed pair. We want affluent property, but who needs continue to increase.
Let us imagine ourselves as a small child who had a fever and colds, and then we saw the ice. We were hot and thirsty body felt by drinking ice can cure fever feeling (knowing a child). Then we ask our parents (as we pray to Allah) and whining to buy ice. Our parents certainly know more about ice can aggravate our disease. Of course with all the excuse we did not buy ice. Our parents would want us to be healed first before drinking the delicious ice.
So it is with Allah, all we ask for Allah knows what is best for us. Maybe not now, or not in this world Allah grant it. Because Allah knows the best that we do not know.
We heal ourselves first of the "cold" and "fever ".... and keep praying.
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