At the office, you'll never meet the people who are always complaining about his job. They say too hard, too hard, too easy, too little time, so not serious, and too this and that. Happens, many people are so fleas, moved there to move here. Perhaps, instead of the right questions, "how can I get a job I like?", But "how can I love what have I got?"
Below are four practical steps that can help you do it. Was thoughtful for a moment to think about it, and you'll be surprised at the results.
Realize that the job does not define you, but you are in defining the work that's much to be said about the attitude, more than can be written. Any job can be done well, with great love and attention. Your attitude towards work and the way you treat people - even your mood - will be quickly recognized. The things that will affect your colleagues. Indeed there are times where you can not control the situation, but you will always be able to choose the best way to deal with it.
Stopped focusing on the money. No amount of money will never be enough. So, stop using lack of money as an excuse to not love the job. For some time salaried or not, there's always the desire to shop. Look at where your money ends. Do not work just to get paid or get something to eat, but for your satisfaction.
Discover the satisfaction of each of what you do This may make you have to think hard, but not be done. Leave time to really think about what you want to do. Ask yourself, "how do I make this work differently, because I do it?" Perspective plays a big role in fulfilling a sense of well being and satisfaction of a person. Try to remember why you took this job. If it's just a job to 'fill time', whether you are looking for another job is running?
Dare to ask yourself if you deserve to get this job if you can not find a part of the job you can enjoy, or you could end up feeling like the colleagues you, consider again the reasons for accepting this job. Could be, not a new job that you need, but a new direction. Do you like people who do like your job? If not, whether there are changes you can do for this job, or maybe the job is the source of your problem? Would you prefer another position in the same company? Are additional responsibilities will satisfy you? The questions above will direct you to 'love or not love' to the job. Ask yourself why you feel this job is not satisfying. This awareness will guide you to the greatest satisfaction you can get from a job. Increase sense of well being, increase self-control, rather than just 'running aimlessly'. Maybe, it's time to make changes.
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