One day there was a man who met Ibrahim Bin Adham. He said,''O Aba Ishak! I've loved engage in immoral acts. Please give me advice. After hearing these words of Abraham said,''If you want to accept the five conditions and able to implement it, then it is OK you do immoral.''He asked curiously. ''What are those conditions, O Aba Ishak?''Ibrahim Bin Adham said,
''The first condition, if you engage in immoral acts of Allah, do not take sustenance.''
Hearing that he frowned and said,''Then I want to eat from? Is not everything on this earth, Allah provision? ''Yes,''Ibrahim Bin Adham firm. ''If you've understood it, was it appropriate to eat sustenance, while you always wanted the ban violates his?''The second'',''Ibrahim said,''if you want to engage in immoral acts, not his living on earth!
This requirement makes the man was shocked. Abraham again said to HIM,''O Abdullah, think, do you deserve to eat his bread and live in His earth, while you're violating all His prohibitions?''''Yes, you're right,''he said. He then asked the third condition. He answered,
''If you still want to engage in immoral acts, look for hidden places that can not be seen by HIM!''
He was again surprised and said,''O Ibrahim, this kind of advice? How could Allah not see us?''''Well, if you're sure that, if you still wish to apply disobedience?''Said Ibrahim. He nodded and asked for the fourth condition. Ibrahim continued,
''When the reaper comes to take your spirit, say to him, 'Back it before my death. I still want to repent and do good deeds'.''
Return man shook his head and immediately realized,''Ibrahim O, which probably will meet the angel of death wish?''''O Abdullah, if you're convinced that you can not just postpone the arrival and resigned his death, then how can you flee from the wrath Allah?''''Well, what is the fifth requirement?''Ibrahim replied,
O''Abdullah Zabaniyah if angels come to lead you into the fires of hell in the Day of Resurrection, do not you want to come with him.''
These words to make him wake up. He said,''O Aba Ishak, the angel's certainly not let me refuse his will.''She could not bear to hear the words of Abraham. The tears were streaming. ''From this moment I repent to Allah,''she sobbed.
By Allah, all our actions in the world will testify......!!!
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