Beautiful Bowl, Honey and a Hair

Prophet Muhammad, with his friends, Abubakar, Umar, Uthman, and Ali Ali's visit to the house. At home Ali, Fatima Sayidatina honey served to those who laid in a beautiful bowl, and when it was served a bowl of honey shipped with a hair in the bowl. Prophet Muhammad then asked all of his friend to make a comparison of these three objects (a beautiful bowl, honey, and a hair).

Abubakar r.a. said, "faith prettier than bowl this beautiful, believers it sweeter than honey, and defend that faith more susah than pursue single hair".
Umar r.a. said, "kingdom prettier than bowl this beautiful, a king it sweeter than honey, and govern justly it lebihsulit from meniti single hair".
Utsman r.a. said, "science prettier than bowl This lovely, person claiming science sweeter from honey, and ber'amal with science owned was harder than meniti single hair".

Ali r.a. said, "visitors were more beautiful than a lovely bowl of this, it was entertaining sweeter than honey, and making guests happy to return home is more difficult than climbing a hair".

Fatimah said, "a woman more beautiful than a lovely bowl, women's purdah was sweeter than honey, and get a woman who had never seen anyone but muhrimnya more difficult than climbing a hair".
Rasulullah SAW said, "one that got taufiq to ber'amal is more beautiful than this lovely bowl, ber'amal with 'good deeds that were sweeter than honey, and do' charity with sincerity is more difficult than climbing a hair" .
The angel Gabriel said, "to uphold the pillars of religion was more beautiful than a lovely bowl, gave himself up; property; and time to the business of religion is sweeter than honey, and maintain religious efforts to end life more difficult than climbing a hair".
Allah Almighty says, "My heaven is more beautiful than a beautiful bowl, my good heaven's sweeter than honey, and the path to my heaven is more difficult than climbing a hair".
"Convey from me even a verse .." (hadith)

One response to “Beautiful Bowl, Honey and a Hair”

Unknown said...

What is the reference of this story ? In which book is it found ?

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